Leadership Opportunities

Step into your potential with a leadership role on campus and create a positive impact on the undergraduate experience for you and your classmates

two students sit at a table deep in discussion in Scott courtyard

Whether you're facilitating discussions in a foreign language at the Fletcher Jones Languages and Cultures Center, nurturing academic writing skills at the Writing Center, or building on-campus community as a Resident Assistant, your leadership journey at Pitzer College awaits. Each role, each committee, and each project offers students a unique chance to leave an indelible mark on our campus.

Become a Leader at Pitzer

At Pitzer College, leadership isn't a title, it's an action. A diverse realm of opportunities awaits students eager to make a difference. From participating in committees to spearheading environmental initiatives, your journey to make an impact begins here.

Our Leadership Opportunities

two students have a serious discussion in Scott Courtyard

Governance & Student Senate

Be a part of student governance, where your voice directly shapes the collegiate experience. Join the Student Senate Executive Board and help set the pace for academics, campus life, and fostering a community of engagement.

Learn More About Student Senate
Two students walk with arm linked while walking a dog in Scott courtyard

Champion Inclusion & Student Identity

Dive into the heart of advocacy on the Student Identity Board, a platform dedicated to uplifting and supporting marginal student populations. Or take part in an affinity group to help create a college environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Explore Affinity Groups
a gallery visitor looks at the art on the walls

Arts, Culture & Communication

Whether curating exhibits with the Pitzer College Art Galleries as a Student Gallery Fellow, guiding peers in the Writing Center, or sitting on the Campus Aesthetics Committee that approves public art projects, your influence extends beyond campus, impacting perspectives, dialogues, and experiences.

Meet Our Writing Center Student Fellows
two students have a discussion at the robert redford conservancy outdoor classroom

Environmental Stewardship & Sustainability

Collaborate on interdisciplinary approaches to sustainability, championing the preservation of Southern California’s natural beauty and community well-being as a Conservancy Student Fellow at the Robert Redford Conseravancy. 

Meet Our Conservancy Student Fellows